Bar Exam Crosswords, Bar Exam Games by Crushendo

Looking for Bar Exam Games?
Try Bar Exam Crosswords

By Adam Balinski
Updated: January 9, 2023

Half the bar exam prep battle is staying motivated and engaged in your studies. It becomes more challenging as bar prep days become weeks and ultimately weeks become months before it is all over.

In addition to Crushendo’s engaging audio outlines, audio flashcards, and creative mnemonics to help you have at least a little fun while effectively preparing to pass the bar exam, Crushendo has just released a few bar exam crossword puzzles!

The first three are completely FREE and tackle key civil procedure, evidence, and tort bar exam-related legal terms. See how quickly you can solve these bar prep games!

How to play Crushendo’s bar exam crossword games

You can play by downloading and printing PDFs for each of the bar exam crossword puzzles, or you can play, right here, right now on your computer or mobile device by using the convenient links below.

Downloadable PDF crossword puzzles

Civil Procedure Bar Exam Prep Crossword #1

Evidence Bar Exam Prep Crossword #1

Torts Bar Exam Prep Crossword #1

Looking for more bar exam crosswords?

Crushendo plans on making dozens more bar exam crossword games. Subscribe to hear when new crosswords are released.

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Want more cool bar exam prep study aids?

We’ve got audio outlines and audio flashcards, loaded with memory hacks. Visit our shop page to learn more!

About the author

Adam Balinski is a former TV reporter turned attorney entrepreneur. He founded Crushendo after graduating summa cum laude from BYU Law and scoring in the top 5% nationally on the Uniform Bar Exam. Adam is currently writing a book called, “The Law School Cheat Code: Everything You Never Knew You Needed to Know About Crushing Law School.”

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